Acrylic Paintings

Acrylic Landscapes painted on Canvas covered board.
Sketched on site and finished off at home.

Local Rural Scene

This one is called Rock face, but really it should have been called Tree Face or something similar.
There was a hidden face in the tree, I know you can see faces anywhere
  but this one really jumped out on when i was doing the coloured sketches on site.
Can you see it,,,

I was right into erosion,,,this one I got caught up with to many fiddly bits, should have concentrated on the tree roots more

Loved this tree, it looked amazing, one of my better efforts.

Bit of a story this one, you will have to work it out. Or leave it to the geniuses after I'm pushing up daisies.
Presuming someone will be interested of course.

South Coast rural scene around here.

Just playing with stuff in this one…

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  1. Really like some of these rob! I enjoy work that focuses on details of the landscape using it as a metaphor for human least thats what I think your doing. two of the paintings compositions reminds me a little of the work of Andrew Wyeth. I really love the painting of the house on the hill engulfed in the green grass with the truncated tree in the foreground with the oozing almost bleeding hole!

  2. Thanks mate,,,some of my images have a story to tell.
