Latest Design Projects

The Sugar Cube.
I recently recieved a commission to design 'Something Different'  for a client based in Wollongong.
They hand make and sell Bavarian Whaffles in a fun way.  He has the refreshing attitude that the customer is always right and is very pro active in his business promotions.
He asked for something that would stand out, be fun have a sense of being hand done and make people remember his vehice from the first look.
I took into consideration his Shops location close to the beach and the colourful nature of his products.
The whaffle design had to be prominant, as it's his signature serving.
The vehicle is a complete digital wrap, printed on vinyl and once i have the completed photo's I will post them here.
Hand drawn and rendered then the final development on the computer.


2 Meter banner designed for the Shoalhaven Rock and Roll Club.

Shop Sign.
Draft: To produce a design that reflected the exotic nature of their products.
Designed for the front of their shops, and to be carried through to all their advertising and business products
They sell clothing sourced from exotic Middle Eastern  location around the world. 


Draft: Something fishy and bright
Materials:Vinyl, Printed banner.

Award Certificate.